I’m Holly from the United States

I’m Holly from the United States

A girl who wants to see Greece and is looking for a travel buddy! I'm 25 and independent.

About me


United States



Relationship status:




Greece Spring 2019

24. 3. - 13. 4. 2019 (21)

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Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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Jesus, Art, history, food, architecture, movies, nightlife, music, alcoholic beverages, other cultures, people, video games,

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Travel style

I'm independent and don't need to be around someone 24/7 but would like some company some times. I do tend to plan my schedule ahead of time as opposed to winging it due to so many things needing to be reserved (ie, ferry tickets, hotels, car rentals, meeting with people) but I go for some spontaneity. I am very much about the culture and people and look for the untouristy-authentic experiences as much as possible. I'm teaching myself some Greek so that I can connect to the people better.

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