I’m roland from Australia

I’m roland from Australia

I am being honest with you and I am a very independent person and own myself..am not seeing anyone at the moment so we can always keep in touch and through that it will help us get to know more about each other if you still remain interested.........All I want is someone to be my soul mate and to spend the rest of my life with thats why I put my profile on the dating site because i do not like meeting people at the bars

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I am being honest with you and I am a very independent person and own myself..am not seeing anyone at the moment so we can always keep in touch and through that it will help us get to know more about each other if you still remain interested.........All I want is someone to be my soul mate and to spend the rest of my life with thats why I put my profile on the dating site because i do not like meeting people at the bars

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I am being honest with you and I am a very independent person and own myself..am not seeing anyone at the moment so we can always keep in touch and through that it will help us get to know more about each other if you still remain interested.........All I want is someone to be my soul mate and to spend the rest of my life with thats why I put my profile on the dating site because i do not like meeting people at the bars

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