I’m Kirsty from the United Kingdom

I’m Kirsty from the United Kingdom

I am a west london girl, Chelsea fan and inhabitant of this concrete jungle for far too long. I turned 30 this year and realised I need to go check out the rest of the world. Should have done it before now rather than sticking behind the desk. I'm up for a good time but ultimately I have my eyes wide open and I wanna see something new that this place cannot give to me. I am single, I have no kids, nothing tying me down just now. I would love to start this new chapter meeting somebody new (girls & boys) because I need it. I like to think I can make people laugh, if you can take a sarcastic, sardonic sense of humour we will get along just fine. I also like to be there for people when they need it. I am a good friend and very generous with what I have together with my time and effort. Would be magic to share a new experience with anybody who wants the same as I do.

About me


United Kingdom



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Vietnam 2020

31. 7. - 31. 8. 2020 (32)

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Drum & Bass raves Cycling Dogs Family Wigs & Fancy Dress

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Travel style

Have never travelled before!

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