I’m Karoline from Canada

I’m Karoline from Canada

Guys call me bird mama
Here to leave the nest and spread my wings

About me





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English, French, Portuguese

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I am interested in people and the thinking that leads some to success and others to lifelong failure. It fascinates me that some people seem to accomplish many times what others do with the time they have. I watch how some teams work together like a well oiled machine in total synergy, accomplishing far more than any of them could do working by themselves, while most teams fall far short time and time again. I intrigues me that some people seem to find contentment and joy in life while others never do. Why, i wonder, do some people respect the integrity of their word while others don’t. Why am I drawn to certain people and completely repelled by others? Why do I see beauty where most others apparently do not? On a personal level, the challenge that interests me is figuring out how to be more effective with my time. I am always exploring how I can do what I do better and how I can accomplish more with less effort. I figure that I am here for a reason, that everything that happens to me does so for a reason, but I don’t spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out those reasons. I figure life is trying to teach me something, and realize that I am not necessarily the best student. I enjoy exploring life and coming to my own conclusions about what I need to do to be better at living it. To me, life is an incredible adventure. I am always trying to think outside the box of conventional thought. I am curious about what will happen next and how I should best respond to the things that happen. I am focused on being the best me I can be, and making the most of the journey I am on

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