I’m CHRISTINE from the United States

I’m CHRISTINE from the United States

I am a single woman, still working full time hopefully retiring in 5 years. I like to take one long international trip per year - about 3-4 weeks, or two 2-week trips. I am open to most any place and am happy to go back to places I have been before. Can't think of a place I would not go back to! I am looking for someone(s) to travel with because I hate paying single supplement and I enjoy sharing vacations with other like-minded people. I have traveled alone before and I did not enjoy it as much :-( We don't have to do everything together but it is nice to share a meal and share the days exploits if we have done different things.

About me


United States


San Diego

Relationship status:




24-day Adriatic cruise

21. 9. - 14. 10. 2018 (24)

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Greece, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Albania, Malta

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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I love history, reading, knitting, making jewelry and I love animals.

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Travel style

Because I like to travel as frugally as possible but still travel nicely I tend to base my destination on what is the best deal out there at the time :-)

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