I’m Henry from the United States

I’m Henry from the United States

Science teacher from Covington, Indiana, but work in Danville, Illinois (live near the state line).

From a small rural town where we leave our doors unlocked. I own a pick-up truck.

Introverted and shy, but try to do right by others and treat with respect.

Jurassic Park is my favorite movie.

I've skydived, snorkeled, and jumped off a high cliff.

About me


United States



Relationship status:





29. 5. - 16. 6. 2019 (19)

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Enjoy hiking, nature, amusement parks, exploring, learning, board games, travelling, card games, reading, exercise/working out, Warrior Dash, running 10K races, Legos, flea markets, my niece.

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Travel style

I definitely like to visit the big famous sites, but don't need to see all of it. I shy away from loud tourists. I prefer traveling to small foreign towns and immersing myself in the culture. Give me a small quiet village and rural landscape over the big bustling tour buses any day. I prefer to travel by car because you have more freedom to explore.

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