I'm seeking a travel mate to Nepal
(13. 5. - 30. 6. 18)

Nepal Trekking

13. 5. - 30. 6. 2018 (49 day trip)

NP flag Nepal

Trip to mountain areas of Nepal. Treeking, camping, and cycling. Looking at wild animals in nature. Having an adventure.

Split costs: No

Budget: $150 - $500

Type of journey: Backpacking

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: In person

Languages: Chinese (Mandarin), English, Nepali

Accommodation: Homestay

Getting around: Car

First visit: No

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: Gosaikunda, Lantang Wild Life reserve. Bhote Koshi, Annapurna Base Camp etc.

Things I want to do: Cycling, Rafting, Bunjee Jumping. Photography , Trekking, Camping etc.

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