I'm looking for a travel partner to Georgia
(4. 7. - 18. 7. 18)

Cultural and Adventure-laden trip

4. 7. - 18. 7. 2018 (15 day trip)

GE flag Georgia TR flag Turkey

I intend to fly into Istanbul (spends 2/3 nights) - > Aegean coast - > Mediterranean coast -> Cappadocia -> Kav -> Tbilisi by Bus -> Hike around

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $500 - $1000

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach, Other

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish

Accommodation: Hotels, Couchsurfing, Hostels

Getting around: Boat, Bus, Canoeing-rafting, Hiking, Plane

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: Yes

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: Istanbul, Fethiye, Pamukkale, Cappadocia, Tbilisi, Mestia, Ushguli,

Things I want to do: History, Architecture, Culture, Food, Adventure, Hike, Socialize, Nightlife

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