I'm seeking a trip buddy to Spain
(3. 7. - 14. 7. 23)

North of Spain on a RV

3. 7. - 14. 7. 2023 (12 day trip)

ES flag Spain

We are a group of four friends (2girls,2guys) that are going to do a trip in Northern Spain on a RV from Portugal to Barcelona and back Somos un grupo de cuatro amigos (2chicos, 2chicas) que vamos a hacer un viaje en el norte de España en una autocaravana de Portugal a Barcelona y viceversa. Somos um grupo de quatro amigos (2girls, 2guys) que vão fazer uma viagem no norte de Espanha numa autocaravana de Portugal para Barcelona e vice-versa. We have place for one person Tenemos lugar para mas una persona más Temos lugar para mais uma pessoa

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $150 - $500

Type of journey: Other

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish

Accommodation: Other

Getting around: Other

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Fixed


Places I want to see: Santiago de Compostela Bilbao Santander Andorra Barcelona Madrid

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