I'm searching for a travel partner to New Zealand
(1. 12. - 21. 12. 19)

New Zealand Adventure!

1. 12. - 21. 12. 2019 (21 day trip)

NZ flag New Zealand

Hey everyone! I've wanted to go to NZ for quite a few years now, think it's about time I got there. 2 or 3 weeks would be great for me, maybe could hop over to another country nearby too or extend the trip depending on our plans!

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $1000 - $1500

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach, Other

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English

Accommodation: Couchsurfing, Homestay, Campside, Other, Hostels

Getting around: Bicycle, Boat, Bus, Canoeing-rafting, Car, Cruise, Hiking, Hitchhiking, Motorcycle, Plane, Train, Other

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: I'd love to see so much of this country, walks in the mountains to days on the beach, and exploring the cities too. Maybe hire a campervan or something, really travel around and see as much as we can!

Things I want to do: Adventure adventure adventure! As well as sightseeing and beaches, I'd want to hike in the mountains, maybe do some climbing or white water rafting too.

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