I'm searching for a trip partner to the United States
(2. 3. - 11. 3. 19)

USA road trip ! East-West coast (Philly-San Diego)

2. 3. - 11. 3. 2019 (10 day trip)

US flag United States

I am a 28 year old girl from Serbia but have been living in the states since I was 18. I spent the last two years traveling the world and decided to move back the US. I will be moving from the east (Delaware) to the west coast (San Diego) some time around the end of February but more likely beginning of March. I am really easy going, love meeting new ppl, and really excited for this move. I am not the most out there person in your face but I like to have fun and love ppl with good vibes and positive energy.

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $150 - $500

Type of journey: Backpacking, Other

Looking for: Any

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English, Serbian, Spanish

Accommodation: Couchsurfing, Homestay, Campside, Hostels

Getting around: Car

First visit: No

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: On the way I would love to stop by some places so I am really not in a rush as I also don't want to be driving for too many hours a day. I would love to do some smaller hikes on the way, camp, and just see what the road brings, Open for adventures.

Things I want to do: I am hoping for someone who is flexible with their time, easy going and ok with making spontaneous decisions. I am in no rush to get to San Diego and would love to not drive more than 4-5 hours per day. Open to staying some days in a place without moving to the next one right away.. but then also ok with driving couple of days a bit longer to skip places we dont care for... Its a move I have to do, but I think will be more fun to share it with someone.

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