I'm looking for a trip companion to Brazil
(14. 11. - 20. 12. 20)

South American Adventure Film

14. 11. - 20. 12. 2020 (37 day trip)

BR flag Brazil PR flag Puerto Rico PE flag Peru MX flag Mexico CO flag Colombia CR flag Costa Rica CU flag Cuba DO flag Dominican Rep. AR flag Argentina

2 Years ago I was overweight, depressed and broken. I saw a Sam Kolder travel film and said "fuck it, this is worth living for" - So I lost 60 pounds and turned into an elite athlete, became a professional skydiver, learned filmmaking and photography, put together a world class arsenal of equipment, and am now looking for a partner in crime to take with me on an adventure of a lifetime and make a travel film for the ages. Ideally You're athletic (we'll be going to tough to reach places), not afraid of thrilling experiences and getting off the beaten path, are not camera shy (I want you to be my costar), and if you know anything about photography/videography that will be amazing! The trip is my initiative and I am planning on financing most/all of it, just bring some pocket money and participate as much as you want/can

Split costs: No

Budget: $2000 +

Type of journey: Backpacking, City break, Beach, Other

Looking for: Female

Meeting before trip: In person

Languages: Armenian, English, Russian

Accommodation: Hotels, Homestay, Other

Getting around: Boat, Car, Hiking, Motorcycle, Plane

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: Let's plan the details together, it's a good way to see if we vibe.

Things I want to do: Skydive where possible, cliff-dive where possible, stay at the most beautiful places, participate in an ayahuasca ceremony in peru, etc etc.

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