I’m Sylph from the United States

I’m Sylph from the United States

Just escaped from the volcanic eruptions on the Big Island of Hawaii, and am regrouping on the Mainland. I plan to buy a van to live and travel in and start up a YouTube channel to document my awesome life! I am an unconventional traveler and adventurer, always looking for something interesting to see, do, or learn. I like to live in ways that most people never try, and have been voluntarily homeless for months or years at a time, just to have that experience. I live for the moment, and make it my mission in life to help myself and others to be more fully present in the NOW!

About me


United States



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English, Spanish

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I like to dumpster dive, and to make useful and interesting items out of cast off or "disposable items." When I lived in Mexico for a year and a half, I taught myself to weave a lot of cool things out of palm fronds, and made a business out of selling my crafts, and teaching palm-weaving workshops. Check out my Facebook album to see examples of my work. https://www.facebook.com/spiralsylph/media_set?set=a.10152247367417307.1073741830.565467306&type=3 I make jewelry and clothing/accessories, and sell them to support myself. I rode freight trains across Canada, from Toronto to Kelowna, BC. It is my dream to live one day in a sustainable, self-sufficient, egalitarian consensus community in the tropics. Moving to the Big Island in the summer of 2017.

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Travel style

I believe in living free, and empowering others to claim their freedom as well. I am a staunch believer in the law of attraction, and I live my life in accordance with that law, allowing my positive ideas and feelings to manifest the reality that I desire to experience. When I travel to another country, I like to stay for several months or years, and live among the local people, so that I can immerse myself into the culture, and see what life is really like there. I am not a typical tourist, and will often camp or couchsurf, rather than booking a hotel room. I like to spend time in remote, tropical locations best of all!

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