I’m Ryan from the United States

I’m Ryan from the United States

Hello world! My name is Ryan, as you can obviously tell from my profile haha. I am an engineer from Colorado. I have been working so much lately that I feel like I need a break so I thought "why not travel?". The only problem is, no one i would be willing to go with on an extended trip is available, due to work, money or just life in general. So to the internet I went, and now I'm here.

So that is why I'm here, but what about me should you know? Where to start... I'm the type of person that is always willing and eager to try new things and explore the experiences life has to offer. After all, yolo right? My personality is quiet at first, but when I warm up and become more comfortable with my surroundings I start to come out of my shell. That said, I'm not afraid to put myself out there, most of the time at least. Umm, so yeah that's a pretty quick overview.

About me


United States



Relationship status:



English, Italian

Greece, because why not

1. 5. - 31. 5. 2019 (31)

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The most important thing to me is my family, we're a pretty tight knit group. I love to travel, obviously, and I have a great desire to see the world. In my (lack of) free time I enjoy running, cycling, climbing, hiking, backpacking, snowboarding, longboard, pretty much everything outdoors that ends in -ing haha. I'm pretty big into computers and technology in general. I probably play too many video games, but I really enjoy them. I love going to concerts and shows, some of my best memories are from seeing artists I like, including Big Gigantic, Griz, Odessa, Hilltop Hoods, and Alt-J (at least their first album) and countless others. Food is always good, so is beer. I also really like bridges, they're pretty cool.

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Travel style

Honestly this depends on the destination. If it's a city, I want to see not only the main attractions, but explore the hidden treasures as well. Every city has them! If it's a beach or tropical area, I want to chill, do nothing but lounge around drinking a cool drink, going for a swim, that kind of thing. I am open to pretty much all levels of accommodation as well, backpacking and hostels, sure sounds good; all inclusive resort with unlimited bar, why not. Again it all depends on location... So, where are we going??

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