I’m Jesse from the United States

I’m Jesse from the United States

The Ultimate Content Creator - Filmmaker - Photographer.
I love to travel and film. Adventures are my thing.

!!Would love to Create Content, collab and travel with Influencers, bloggers, Models and Photographers/Filmmakers!!

About me


United States


Los Angeles

Relationship status:

In a Relationship


English, Finnish

Jesse doesn't have any trip

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!!Would love to Create Content, collab and travel with Influencers, bloggers, Models and Photographers/Filmmakers!! Travel, Adventure, Videography, Photography, Social, Workout, Hike, Resorts, Life

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Travel style

I've backpacked, Lived in Luxury.... It doesn't matter as long as I'm experiencing the world and living my adventure. ...and Of course I get to work on Video/Photography!

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