I’m Jam from Finland

I’m Jam from Finland

I love chilling, travelling, and being in good and lovely company. Im funny and have maybe a little dark sense of humour so if u like it u like it.. I love having deep conversations with someone who is on the same level, we could give us so much. BUT im still not the easiest person on this planet, im absent and it can be little bit annoying, when everything is lost all the time :D But hmm well ask me anything, i mean anything, im not shy and i talk straight.

About me





Relationship status:




Lets travel ASIA!

28. 2. - 30. 4. 2019 (62)

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Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Indonesia

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Travelling, nature, good food and good sex of course. My interest nr.1 would be to lie down on the 2 person hammock with my love on the beach between 2 palmtrees ^^ and well im open to everything new also.

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Travel style

I usually decide my destination like undermonth ago, i pack my backpack and leave and always only buy the one-way ticket. I really dont have a style, i can eat finedining in nice restaurant, but i maybe the og backpacker style is more me ;)

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