I’m Kell from the United States

I’m Kell from the United States

Hi my name is Kelly, I’m 29 years old, and I’m looking for a travel buddy to cross places off of my travel list with!!! I am in a relationship with my BF, but he has really bad flight and travel anxiety so I don’t have anyone to travel with. I am always open to making new life long friends and having new, fun adventuresj. I have a cat who I will miss lots during our travels but I promise I am lots of fun and won’t show you too many pictures lol jk! I’m a teacher so I can typically only travel during the summer months or school vacations. I am always down to check out an EDM show or music festival during our travels, but definitely not a necessity or required! You should probably know I’m a big kid at heart lol. Looking forward to our travels together!

About me


United States



Relationship status:

In a Relationship



Kell doesn't have any trip

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-Going out dancing or to a bar or club day or night. My favorite place to dance is at an EDM show or music festival. -Relaxing/ sightseeing/ checking out cool local things to do -The beach -Amusement parks/ Disney -Yoga/ SoulCycle -ALL FOOD and going out to eat -Drinks/ cocktails -Being outside -Coffee/tea

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Travel style

Gosh it’s hard to describe lol. I’m adventurous but I also like to be comfortable. I don’t like staying in super fancy or expensive places because I am on a teachers salary. I like to have lots of different fun adventures and experiences, I’m like a big kid lol. I am always safe when I travel but I am a really good time I’d like to think lol.

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