I’m Duy Anh from the United States

I’m Duy Anh from the United States

My name is actually pronounced Zwee-Andh. Or you can just call me Adrian, because...that's way easier

Trilingual (Vietnamese, French, and English) - I can read Spanish as well. I like to solo travel a lot (France, Netherlands, Germany, Vietnam so far). Quite social as well.

About me


United States



Relationship status:



English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese

2-3 Weeks Backpacking Trip

22. 6. - 12. 7. 2019 (21)

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Belize, Guatemala

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Hiking - exploring jungles and caves History- I like ruins and learning about the culture Languages - need to get better at Spanish Dancing - especially after enough drinks

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Travel style

Solo, but I always like meeting new people and companions. I'm pretty much down to do whatever. Only concerns that I have is safety and a place to stay.

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