I’m Natalie from the United States

I’m Natalie from the United States

I am an adventurer. I try to do something new every day. I love rock climbing, camping, the outdoors; I love the world.

I'm a very caring and generally happy person. I won't let negative people into my life. I'm moving forward, not looking back.

I absolutely adore ink and body mods.

I am so much more than a few lines in a profile on the internet.

I'm pretty much like you, a person. So if you want to talk with another person, send me a message.

About me


United States



Relationship status:

In a Relationship



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Calculus. Chemistry. Physics. Tattoos. Medicine. War History. I'm an EMT. I am currently going back to school to pursue medical school. I'm really intrigued by Russia, Italy, Israel, and Greece. I think it's because of the history.

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Travel style

I like to live and embrace wherever I travel. I don't really care for the 5 star hotel experience. I want to experience where I am not the luxuries necessarily. I love simplicity.

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