I’m Kate from the United Kingdom

I’m Kate from the United Kingdom

Hey! I’m Kate. I’m 21, from Scotland but living in London and finishing my film degree. I first went backpacking in 2018 and had the most amazing experience. I cant wait to go again! I’m looking to plan another trip after my graduation around November / December time (depending on lockdown of countries).

About me


United Kingdom



Relationship status:

In a Relationship



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I love sightseeing, going to the beach, hiking and cooking. I play the trumpet and guitar. I also am an avid photographer and have made a couple of alright films while studying.

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Travel style

Backpacking. Spending a couple nights each place and staying mostly in hostels to keep the costs down. I dont mind using public transport. I can’t drive. I like going out but not every night and am not the biggest drinker.

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