I’m Marta from Poland

I’m Marta from Poland

Funny how hard it is to actually describe oneself, each human is such complicated a creature. However, going cliche, I'm just a regular corporat most of the time and an avid backpacker in the remaining times :D
As an introvert, I relish my inner world and alone time, which doesn't mean I'm not fond of socializing. It's just not easy to find the right people and that is why I'm on this website - to find someone with similarly itchy feet, to share some experiences together. Travelling solo is fun, but there is a big flaw to it - not a single person can really grasp how awesome the trip actually was!

About me





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Backpacking, trekking/hiking, camping, NATURE (national parks, mountains, grasslands), cultural sites (ruins, temples etc.). I find reading greatly enjoyable and would be the happiest person if I could just sit and read for most of the time :) I'm interested in history and geopolitics, always keen on gaining new knowledge. My dream destinations are all the post-Soviet republics (so far I've been only to Kyrgyzstan adn Kazachstan) - including Russia! I also want to do a longer trip in South-East Asia.

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Travel style

I don't particularly like tourists-favourite sites, I usually prefer to get off the beaten track. I do site seeing and exploring preferably on foot, but hitchhiking or taking local transport is also an option.

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