I’m Naomi from the United States

I’m Naomi from the United States

Feeling cooped up, uncreative, bored and stifled lately, so I'm looking for a travel buddy close to my age who wants to laugh, dance, explore and experience an adventure abroad.--any nationality, gender or sexual orientation ok with me and if age is not an issue for you- it's not really with me either, please-- no drama queens, neurotics con artists, desperate loners or crazies since the goal is to have a fun trip-- I get along with everybody,, am very friendly, laid back and generous but I'm not looking for a love interest, just someone to share fun , a love of good food and meeting interesting new people in exciting new places Also, perhaps we can share some expenses and keep each other safe while traveling as well! I've worked very hard and sacrificed a lot for the last 10 years, so my trip is being financed by a grateful family member who knew that for me, travel is the greatest gift anyone could give me. I am on a budget, but definitely have my expenses covered- looking for someone who can also pay their own way and would like to develop a cool new friendship with no strings attached.- only great memories!! In my life, I have traveled extensively worldwide- but haven't left the U,S, since going to Turkey in 2005. my motto is Live and Let Live so be yourself! unless the above characteristics apply to you-lol but if they do, I'm sure there is someone else out there that would love to travel with you- it's just not me.

About me


United States


Herkimer, NY

Relationship status:

In a Relationship


English, Japanese

Naomi doesn't have any trip

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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Wildlife, water sports, dancing, trying exotic foods, exploring cities and rural areas, museums, art exhibits, and mostly learning and enjoying new sights with good company!

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Travel style

Auto, plane boat, or train-- not a fan of helicopters, Cessnas, Air Balloons or rickshaws pulled by stinky animals. I like to travel off the cuff, be spontaneous and adventurous. However, guides and itineraries can be useful and avoiding risky areas and situations which may be dangerous is Smart. Not looking to be the subject of a "Locked up abroad" episode- lol

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