I’m Teresa from the United States

I’m 60 and retired from real estate development for about 4 years. I have lived in both Los Angeles and San Francisco and now am enjoying life in Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. A Californian all my life. I have a partner in life, but he doesn’t enjoy traveling as much as I do. Traveling is my hobby and my passion. I’m somewhat adventurous but not hugely into hiking, but love the water. At this stage, I like things fairly nice, but I seek out a good deal. I’m not really a 4 Seasons girl, but I’m not a Motel 6 either. I’m fine sharing a room and I’m not a big foodie so I’m not interested in spending lots of money on food. I’m pretty flexible and like to sleep in a bit and travel leisurely. My favorite travel companion died of cancer about 6 months ago. Please check my Instagram for travel interests

About me


United States


San Anselmo

Relationship status:

In a Relationship



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I’ve been to a million churches and cathedrals and don’t need to see too many more. I’m more interested in off the beaten path unique things...nature...animals and crazy earthly phenomena. Also, different cultures and people fascinate me. Please check my insta.

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Travel style

Depends. Usually independent. Maybe bespoke, or private guide. Generally not large fully guided tours, but maybe where needed.

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