I’m Layne from the United States

I’m Layne from the United States

Hello! I’m Layne and I’m just super eager to travel and make friends and connections along the way. I want to start a travel blog or something along the lines of making travel content. My hometown friends are career focused right now and I want to make this my career. Looking for buddies so it doesn’t get too lonely. I’m saving up now so I can travel throughout the summer

About me


United States



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- writing - concerts and festivals - anything social (I’m a talker) - reading - I want to get into hiking - plants - anything having to do with animals

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Travel style

I always say I’m looking to travel instead of vacation meaning. I’m in my 20s and I’m a waitress as my main income source. I’m trying to make the most of my money and see how long I can spread it out. Airbnbs are fine. Same with hostels and hotels. I’m even down for camping. I just probably won’t have the resources to be doing fancy resorts but I’m fine with that

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