I’m Tarick from Denmark

I’m Tarick from Denmark

Energetic, optimistic, open to literally anything. looking to find myself again.
I need to go anywhere and just wander for some time preferably by a beach XD. i like fishing, sailing, anything to do with the ocean. i can ride motorbikes, climbing, hiking, anything that involves being physical as well as a party or two, and just chilling. 420 friendly, spiritual, on the road to becoming free. hit me up on instagram @taricknielsen

About me





Relationship status:



Danish, English, Swahili

Looking for Pura Vida

1. 4. - 31. 7. 2021 (122)

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Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Colombia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Barbados

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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Fishing, Sailing, climbing, hiking, surfing, football, beaching, foresting, camping, living off the land.

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Travel style

backpacking, networking, hitchhiking, whatever floats the boat.

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