I’m Dilip from the United Kingdom

I’m Dilip from the United Kingdom

Hi, I am new on here. Following the difficult times we've had in recent times I am looking to explore the world and meet new people! I am looking to meet new interesting and fun people, and together create new memories. Let's meet and have intellectual conversations, cheers to a cocktail (somewhere nice) and much more.

About me


United Kingdom



Relationship status:




Trip to Portugal

21. 6. - 31. 8. 2021 (72)

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I like a mix of things, from chilling on the beach, exploring the countryside, clubs/bars, poolside and also road trips. I will be looking forward to travel wherever possible this year as well as do road trips within the UK.

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Travel style

I am open to things, however I do like to maintain some standards with food, drink and where to stay, I would prefer to plan and organise things wherever possible. I prefer quality over quantity.

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