I’m Jacqueline from the United States

I’m Jacqueline from the United States

My name is Jacqueline and I am a fun-loving spirit that is always seeking ways to nurture my spiritual growth and connect to my soul. I love meeting new people and like minded souls! I am 20 years old and I crave adventure and exploration. I am on a journey to discover myself at a more intimate level, and re-align with my purpose. I love traveling but have never traveled alone, but I am ready to expand my horizons and step outside of my comfort zone.

About me


United States


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Spirituality, music, vintage clothing, thrifting, outdoor activities, exploring and adventure!

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Travel style

I believe in immersion, and I am the type of traveler that prefers to stay in the culture such as a hostel vs a hotel. I like to get to know the locals and get to know other souls. I love to explore and I seek new experiences! If you’re on your spiritual journey to discover your inner peace and discover your highest purpose, lets vibe together and reach that goal together by traveling!

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