I’m Maiah from the United States

I’m Maiah from the United States

Hi, my name is Maiah and I am from Nashville, Tennessee. I went to college for 2 years and then got a job back home in social media marketing. Being out of school has made me realize how much I want to see the world & travel. I traveled a lot when I was younger with my family and I got to go some amazing places. Now, I want to do it again and have a friend along the way. Some things about me: I love fashion, so Paris is definitely on my list of places to go. I love food,-another big reason why I want to travel. I love being active (especially long walks). I am obsessed with dogs. I have 2 of my own and they are the loves of my life. I’ll have a Margarita any day of the week and I love going to museums.

About me


United States



Relationship status:




Girls trip


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