I’m John from the United States

I’m John from the United States

I'm an internationally touring musician, horse drawn carriage driver and wandering vagabond. I found myself in a rut sitting in my hometown plagued with social anxiety, and after touring with a few bands I realized that travelling made me happy. Forcing myself out of my comfort zone to meet new people was the best decision I ever made. I want to meet new friends all over the world and experience new cultures and perspectives.

About me


United States


Fort Wayne

Relationship status:




Going to oahu

1. 4. - 10. 4. 2017 (10)

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United States

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Hiking, camping, rock climbing, snorkeling, swimming, billiards, music, nature, anything outdoors

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Travel style

Just go for it. Not sure what to say here but I try to travel light and cheaply. I just want to see the beauty this world has to offer

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