I’m Aidan from the United Kingdom

I’m Aidan from the United Kingdom

Work as a specialsit travel consultant for China and Central Asia which means I build itineraries for people. Would say I’m a super easy person to travel with, without sounding like an ‘arrogant travel nomad’ I’ve been to a few random places so would quite like to get back to chilling in cities and get some easy hiking done . I’ve been getting in to booking random flights near and far recently, this is why I’m on here looking for some cool people to see things with (if no one is interested I’ll still go on my own).

About me


United Kingdom



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Vancouver - Nature and City

17. 5. - 20. 5. 2018 (4)

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Global foods (eating them), attempting to learn new languages, taking the summer months easy, skiing, surf (try to) and hiking.

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Travel style

I’m legit the most chilled person to travel with, no idea why I’ve not found a travel buddy yet. ?

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