I’m Carli from the United States

I’m Carli from the United States

I am a 31 year old female who loves to travel and explore. I love to learn and take tours while I travel. International travel interests me most so my thing is to see the world. I love new and interesting new people.

About me


United States



Relationship status:

In a Relationship



Last minute Costa Rica escape

23. 5. - 27. 5. 2018 (5)

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Costa Rica

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I love to read, try new and different foods and explore new places.

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Travel style

I am very cost efficient when I travel and typically like a plan. I want to do as much as possible but still stick to a conservative budget. I like to do a lot of the tourist stuff but exploring the local scene also appeals as well. I don’t party when out the country but I do like to enjoy and take in the scenes by people watching at a local diner

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