I’m Petia Nikolova from the United States

I’m Petia Nikolova from the United States

Hello, I travel frequently between the US and Bulgaria. I work from home as a web developer and SEO consultant. Feel free to reach out ig: vira.ax

About me


United States



Relationship status:



Bulgarian, English

3-7 Day Cambodia Trip


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I like to do a lot of things. I'm pretty flexible and easygoing. We could go somewhere and spend $15/day or spend $500/day.

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Travel style

I'm not really sure what the different styles are. I would just like someone to travel with since all of my friends either aren't interested or no one ever has money. I'm used to traveling alone but since I want to venture out to places such as India and Cambodia, I figured it would be safer if I had someone to go with. Just because we go together doesn't mean I will make you stay glued to my hip :D We could always do our own thing for some of the time and then just meet up for lunch or dinner?

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