I’m Paul Williams from the United Kingdom

I’m Paul Williams from the United Kingdom

Hi, I recently retired and want to carry on exploring this beautiful world we live in. I am fortunate to have already visited 74 countries a good deal while travelling on business. Now I went to travel much slower and have time to immerse myself in the culture of the place I am visiting.

About me


United Kingdom



Relationship status:




Explore Europe in motorhome

1. 3. - 31. 5. 2024 (92)

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Belgium, United Kingdom, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany


South American Adventure

26. 8. - 25. 1. 2025 (153)

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Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina

Have a look at which countries is this traveler GOING TO/INTERESTED IN or has already VISITED
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I am fascinated by nature and the beauty that is all around. Love to be on the water and I am also a PADI qualified advanced open water diver. Love history and the different cultures that are present, I feel we can all learn from the people and experiences that we embrace.

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Travel style

I am fortunate to have a Motorhome which I use to travel around Europe. I am also happy to backpack and stay in reasonable priced hotels. Not adverse to spending time on my trips working.

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