I’m Alice from the United States

I’m Alice from the United States

Tech Maverick in my 20s, blending code and charisma. Investor by day, jet-setter by night. Unveiling the world's wonders with a yoga mat in hand and sculpting the future in the gym. Ready to share the thrill of both the stock market and the open road. Let's code our own love story and explore the world's byte-sized and breathtaking moments together.

About me


United States



Relationship status:





6. 6. - 7. 7. 2024 (32)

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I have many hobbies but I like traveling best

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Travel style

I think it is very important to live, or at least spend a considerable amount of time, in different places...... And unlike traveling as a tourist, you go to the tourist attraction and leave. I think it's important to appreciate the natural beauty of a country, but it would be a shame not to take the time to really get to know the locals and their perspectives. If we don't spend time connecting with people who are different from us, how can we hope to learn from each other?

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