I’m David Hurley from the United States

I’m David Hurley from the United States

Single father, extroverted/introvert, veteran. Been online dating for what seems like forever now with no success. At this point, I'm kind of over it, but still have nobody to explore with....and with how much I work, I need a vacation. I'm a fun loving guy, pretty sarcastic, and always cracking jokes...mostly dad jokes unfortunately for you. Not in the best shape, so not looking for "hardcore" adventures, just dad bod adventures.

About me


United States



Relationship status:




Belize or Bust

30. 8. - 8. 9. 2024 (10)

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I"m pretty open minded when it comes to where to travel and what to do. Personally, I enjoy whitewater rafting, golf, simple campfires with friends, and of course, trashy reality TV.

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Travel style

I'm a Virgo so I can go super organized and planned out, but also able to just go with the flow. Whatever works.

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