I’m Stacy from the United States

I’m Stacy from the United States

I'm a very tall, very friendly, and a very funny (or at least I like to tell myself I am) person who just wants to do something spontaneous and adventurous. I want to travel in a non-traditional way and meet/travel with people I have never met. I enjoy movies, nature, food, and laughter.

About me


United States


Costa Mesa

Relationship status:

In a Relationship



Backpacking Italy

15. 9. - 6. 12. 2018 (83)

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Hiking, Camping, Photography, Videography, Theme Parks, Music, Movies, Gadgets, Harry Potter, Video Games

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Travel style

Of course I love my privacy and luxury hotel stays, but this time, I'm traveling outside of my comfort zone and would like to travel as simply as possible through the use of public transportation, walking, and of course staying in hostels, couch surfing, and homestays.

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