I'm seeking a trip mate to Spain
(7. 8. - 14. 8. 18)

Looking for someone to travel with me anywhere!

7. 8. - 14. 8. 2018 (8 day trip)

ES flag Spain

I'm looking for someone to go with me anywhere -- not necessarily Spain and not necessarily the dates I put. I'm open to anywhere in Europe, South America, or North America. I'm a college student in Pennsylvania really laid back and looking for someone who also has a travel bug!

Split costs: Yes

Budget: $500 - $1000

Type of journey: City break

Looking for: Male

Meeting before trip: Skype

Languages: English

Accommodation: Hotels

Getting around: Car, Train

First visit: Yes

Work & Travel: No

Itinerary: Flexible


Places I want to see: Anything

Things I want to do: Anything

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